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Ownership of the website:

Hep Ken // Organic Algae 

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APE code: 7420Z

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The head office :

1534 route de l'Etale

74220 La Clusaz


Phone: 06 68 74 19 09


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The website was developed with the services of and is hosted by

Design: Julie Desnoulez


Intellectual property rights:  

All the elements (texts, graphic elements, photos, images, videos, etc.) contained in the website are protected by national and international intellectual property law. These elements remain the exclusive property of Julie Desnoulez and/or its partners having rights.

As such, without prior written authorization from Hep Ken // Algues bio or the rights holders, you may not proceed with any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or partial or complete transformation of the elements present on the website.

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In accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, only the use of the elements making up the website for strictly personal purposes is authorized.

The trademarks and logos reproduced on this website are the exclusive property of Hep Ken Algues Bio/Julie Desnoulez or its assignees. Any reproduction, republication or redistribution of the names or logos, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written authorization of their respective holder is prohibited by law. In the event of reproduction without authorization, even partial, of the name, the logo, your civil and penal liability may be engaged.

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